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31 May 2009
Ontem fomos ao Devil Chair, um monte noutro lado do lago com vista para a cidade. As pessoas fazem piqueniques deixando lixo junto aos caixotes de lixo ja cheios. Aqui na Russia toda a gente bebe cerveja na rua a tarde/noite (ha luz solar toda a noite). Garrafas e latas fazem a paisagem as bordas dos passeios.
Moscow - Elena and Alex
We stayed in Dmitri's room, in a IKEA sofa, quite confortable. Unfortunately better beds always mean less contact.
Monday they said we could arrive after 15:00 but at 15:20 they send an SMS that from 16 to 22 they are not there. As there was no time to arrive before 16, we were stuck until 22. They were nice when we met and we talked a while. Alex works on IT field, is big and beautiful; Elena finished her PhD on Maths modelling. Alex goes to work around 9am. we were tired from the train and wanted to sleep.
Next day at 10:30, when we finished to dress up, Elena says we have to leave in 15 minutes. Eva still tried "but we can leave afterwards...". "No, you leave with me". And Alex should be home around 20. At 19 a SMS: "will you be home before 21?". Understanding we replied that we arrive only at 23. He thanks and we arrive late so he can go to cycle. Time to leave next morning is 9+-15minutes, after we questioned. And "would you be interested to sleep at our Datsha tomorrow?". He wanted to go there and we had to follow, no way to say no. "There is a pool and you can do banya" he added to try making more appealing. "Ok", next day we carry all day stuff to bring to datsha as we can't return home before.
Her parents there are very nice and we had good time.
Thursday we leave datsha at 10 and Elena takes us to see a monastery called NewJerusalem. At 12:15 we arrive home to leave the bag and then she says that Alex will be back at 22:00. tuck outside again, we contacted Jolanda, Eva's brother's friend, to take us to some art show. At 22, while we were going to train station to buy ticket for next morning train, an SMS "we will be home only at 23. sorry". Luckly we were not yet going home. At 23:30 we were going home. Not feeling bad at all about the late time but in any case we warn them that we estimate to arrive around midnight. The tram we take, even if the good number, is going to "depo" and takes a different way. We have to stop a car and go home for 100R more. At 0:15 we arrive, Alex is sleepy and opens the door. "Good night" was the only changed words. Friday morning when he wakes up we are ready to leave. "Bye, maybe see you in Switzerland" we said ironically.
Train trip with Oleg
On one of the seats next to us, there's a man of around 65. After some time he starts talking to us, using the title of the book I'm reading as an "excuse". He introduces himself as Oleg. He speaks very good english, that he has learned from a canadian teacher back in the 60ies, when people came to the Soviet Union from the USA and Canada as volunteers to "help" the Soviet people. "That's how I learned proper pronunciation". He wanted to become a teacher, but had to go to the Army. He lived in Eastern Germany and Czechoslovakia for some time, then worked for Intourist (the Soviet travel agency).
"Why don't you travel business class?" he askes us (meaning second class, with 4 bed compartments). He has never seen foreigners travel 3rd class...
At some point I go to the bathroom to change clothes and prepare for bed. When I come back Miguel is making my bed (which means folding down the table, unrolling the "mattress" and prepare the sheets and pillow). Me: "??" Miguel: "He suggested I make the bed for my lady while you're in the bathroom". :-)
Later on, I'm already in bed but still reading (yes, there was still light at 11 pm, thanks to northern latitude). Oleg comes back from the bathroom and sits on his bed. After a few minutes: "If you don't mind, please don't look in my direction. I will get changed." Ok with me, I'm reading anyway. After 2 more minutes: "You are now free to look where you want."
And he goes to sleep, his feet sticking out from under his cover.
30 May 2009
Kizhi island, the photo
We went there and it is very magical island in Karelia (well, the island does not belong to Karelia, but we come from Petrozavods which is in Karelia). Very old, all made of wood and Unesco patrimony.

We went there by boat, which was the most expensive thing on our trip so far but on the island we were warned about also high foreign prices to visit, so we prepared the Russian price we saw before boarding, 200R/person. Once there the price list in Russian was different and more complex and we do not see anymore the 200R price. So we decide to give 130R/person, which was writen for something. The lady look at us and makes strange face, asks "studenty?" and I give 100R more thinking she would not believe we are students. At same time I say "Da" and she gives back the 100R and also 40R of change. So we got the Russian student price, 130R instead of the 650R for foreigner price. What an achievement.
29 May 2009
View on Kiszi Island
27 May 2009
Buying train ticket in Russia - experience I
Finally we went to the flying ticket office which was empty and for 120R (3E) more we got our ticket to Petrozavods.
26 May 2009
Twitter like impressions of Sankt Petersburg
- Registar os vistos numa agencia por 900R, depois de lutar para encontrar a entrada do numero 54 da rua X.
- Quase rezar para que a carrinha-autocarro nao tenha nenhum acidente no zigue-zague do trafego para SP. Os corajosos ciclistas so podem ser crentes ortodoxos de uma religiao qualquer.
- Bar (com DJ) lavandaria, com nota alternativa
Russian Toilet Experience - 2
Inside, a counter where a lady collects the money. And then, the smallest space I ever had for a pee. Basically, tiny cubicles, the side wall not higher than my shoulders (so when I stand up I can see everything my neighbor is doing). I can only close the door completely when I actually sit on the toilet.
In every cubicle, a sign reminding the women that you are supposed to sit on the toilet and not stand on it.
And there's something wrong with the flush: instead of flushing everything down, the previous user's "products" are flushed up again...
Interesting place.
Miguel took pictures so maybe he will upload one later.
24 May 2009
Russian Toilet Experience - 1
Next to the door, a middle aged blonde lady with a cat, collecting the 12 Rubles. Inside, walls painted lilac, green plants hanging high on the wall, cleaning items behind a flower curtain, a framed black-and-white photo of a giraffe on the wall.
I stand in the queue.
The toilet is of the "hole-in-the-ground" type (never forget to empty your trouser pockets or you will lose everything into the hole...) but clean, with toilet paper, a sink and soap.
Sometimes, there are nice surprises!
St Petersburg nights
23 May 2009
A museum visit
Inside the Art Gallery, a typical museum experience for this part of the world:
We enter. To the left, the cloakroom with space for about 200 coats (at least). There are about 3 coats hanging there. To the right, a door saying "kassa". Inside, the "kassa" with a nice lady. We buy the tickets and start to go upstairs (the lady told us to do so in a mix of English and Russian). Another lady comes with us. She opens the doors to the different rooms, switches on the lights (and switches them off again after we have left the room). In one room the alarm goes off (she forgot to switch it off I guess). When we have finished one room she shows us where to go next.
We might have been the only visitors all day...
The exhibitions... well, they were not the ones we thought (they were actually in the castle museum). But never mind, just the museum is worth the experience!
Tallinn - Kumu
In the evening we went to a cafe called "Kompressor", where we had the best pancakes ever, and a huge portion!
The weather was rather fresh and windy, with a bit of rain, but that's actually the best weather to explore a city. One day we went to "Kumu", the art museum. We started on the top floor with the interesting temporary modern art exhibitions, followed by shorter visits to the other floors. The cafe was invaded by finnish seniors who were apparently starving (at least they were very impatient in the queue). This photo is taken just outside the main entrance of the museum.
I liked Tallinn a lot. It's not too big, has a nice old town and a lot of art galleries. It's definitely on the list of cities where I could live.
22 May 2009
Need your input!
Because of my professial background, she would like me to do something health-related, maybe sexual education (as nobody talked about this there and they have a lot of teenage mothers).
Well, I do have some ideas of course, but need a bit of input from you out there. Any ideas? What do you think about talking about health and/or sexual issues to the kids there? And in which way? Maybe I should include some non-verbal things like arts/painting?
Whatever your ideas and thoughts, let me know. The project starts end of June.
And this is the website:
Simplify your life
The first thing, we are travelling with just a small backpack and few clothes, and we manage.
And then, we see others peoples places and lifestyles and I think we can learn a lot from this.
A few examples...
- One can actually manage without a fridge if there's a market close by and one can just buy everything fresh when it's needed.
- It's possible to live with just one sink for everything (dishes, brushing teeth, washing).
- If one has a shower at the work place, one doesn't really need a shower at home.
Think about it...
Regarde le ciel...
I will say this a lot of times in the weeks to come I guess.
We are in Tallinn (Estonia) and the days are getting longer and longer. Last night we walked home after midnight and the sky was of a very special blue colour, I had never seen this before. The horizon was even still a bit greenish from the sun! This is as dark as it gets now.
20 May 2009
Body Combat - Tallinn class
17 May 2009
In Estonia
The Rough Guide to Backpackers Services - Bycicle renting
Propose electrical bikes for those afraid of sweting or riding uphill. One month try&buy system. For bike rental, different types of bikes, ask what person wants to do and his experience and then advice. Rent bikes with good gear system (Deore at least), as is harder to brake and easier to use. Breaks should work very well, so short check at the end of each rental period to see if tunning is needed. Same for gears. Bikes are like airplanes, cars, everything: regular maintainance keeps them alive for much longer. Helmets, lockers are part of the renting.
Selling bikes, while is a business, true, it is nice to advice and say that required accessories (helmet, lights, locker, mud guards) are expensive and should be part of the budget.
When repairing, custumer relationship is important, keep history, try to know the kind of cyclist the customer is and suggest improvements to the bike.
14 May 2009
Napkins and country development
These days I've notice a different measure tool for this country development in ex-soviet republics and it is called: napkin.
On our move towards East the things had improved. Yes, it is true. In Poland the restaurant napkins were so thin that hardly you could use them, they were just like the ones used in the Portuguese coffee places to put below the cake. Crossed the border, in Lithuania we had real paper napkins, but the ones of small size. Now here in Latvia, yes, we have the ones we got used everywhere else. We wonder how they will look like in Estonia - colors? fabric?
A word about trains
It's true that in Poland trains are slow, mainly because they usually stop at every possible train station, quite often for as long as half an hour and they can't go very fast (60 km/h is good). In the Baltic States the train network is quite poor, with infrequent trains and not many train lines.
Still, there are so many advantages...
- In a train you can: eat, drink, sleep, read, go to the toilet, walk around, talk to somebody, talk to nobody, look out of the window at the nice countryside, play cards, re-organise your backpack, buy a coffee from the lady who passes in the corridor, take photos, read your guidebook.
- In a train you're not in the hands of a half-criminal driver (well maybe the train conductor is crazy, but at least he can't overtake and risk a head-on crash)
- It's interesting to watch people in a train. You can discover something about the country just by seeing the trains, train stations and travellers.
- One can (usually) open the window (which allows to somehow neutralize other people's smells)
- Ok, the air conditioning never works (but then it doesn't exist at all in Eastern European buses)
- You can usually take the bike on a train (but not on a bus, unless the driver is in a very good mood and you buy him chocolates)
- ALL the trains we took so far were on time (which means that the 30 minutes stops in the countryside were included in the timetable), wheareas some buses took ages to get into bigger cities because of traffic
Sadly, tomorrow we will have to take yet another bus from Riga to Estonia, because there simply doesn't seem to be any trains.
Unexpected internet - no train
11 May 2009
10 May 2009
Miguel jumping from a pole... crazy?
09 May 2009
The Hill of Crosses
After visiting this place we left Lithuania and with it the deeply catholic countries of our trip (Poland and Lithuania).
08 May 2009
Eastern European Oddities
07 May 2009
The Rough Guide to Backpackers Services - Internet Cafes
All this is also true for internet cafes, where furthermore, you pay for. And when you pay for a service, good condition keyboard, mouse and screen are the only way to make the client to stay longer and come back. In Gdansk they even offered a coffee! And as everything was working well and was comfortable, we paid and stayed an extra hour. Even if this was the most expensive internet place we have been in Poland. You feel efficient when you have work conditions and one hour there was, at the end, cheaper than hour and half elsewhere with worst computers and less comfort.
One idea(l) internet cafe would be with rental laptops, not very big, that probably run Linux (or windows at extra charge) and that you attach with a security cable to the table, not only for safety but also not to fall off the table. And the table would have the electricity plug of course. Just wi-fi access (your own laptop) would have an hourly price convertible in drinks that day.
The Rough Guide to Backpackers Services - Overview
Business is not one of my skills even though, during this trip, several times I felt tempted to open one. This mostly because I feel in Portugal is now the time to invest in a real bike shop/service, just before people adhere massively to bikes.
For Eva and me the important backpackers services we use are internet cafe, bike rental and laundry.
06 May 2009
The Centre of Europe Park
05 May 2009
Please scroll down!
So, please, scroll down to discover!
03 May 2009
O dia em que a Eva perdeu o guia de viagem
02 May 2009
Forgot my brain in Poland?
Finally we went to a bookshop which had all possible guidebooks in english (to our positive surprise, as in Poland this would have been close to impossible...) and bought a new guide (which is even more recent than the one we lost).
But - where did I leave my brain??
01 May 2009
Computer all night
Poste restante
But we do not want to cut personal contact with you, neither that you cut it with us, so we propose to come back to old methods, meaning pen friend and exchange letters (or post cards, or exibithion tickets...) using the Poste Restante.
We have put on the right column a new section where we will put destinations we will certainly pass in the near future and you can address letters to us, which for sure we will reply sooner than email. In the link you can see how to address letters and you know our names: Miguel Anjo / Eva Pfarrwaller. Just send to the city and we will go to the main post office to pick them up. Remind that international letters take usually between 1 and 2 weeks to arrive. No need to email confirm, we will go to ask for Poste restante in any case, so we will be happy for any surprise letter.