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07 July 2009

Three months - equipement review

Lost items:
- Baltic states Guidebook in Kaunas. Replaced by new one in Kaunas.
- Travel towel from Eva in Moscow. Not replaced.
- One sock from Eva. Other one will be used for the mobile phone

Not used items (ready to give away):
- Black cycling polar vest from Miguel
- Jumping rope
- Plug converter (maybe useful in China or Korea)
- vodka shot metal glasses (everyone that gave vodka has glasses)

Given items:
- several reading books
- Poland and Baltic states guidebook

Items replaced:
- couple of Eva's slips

Items to be replaced soon:
- Eva's hiking trousers
- Miguel's orange t-shirt

Items bought (apart of perishable items and books):
- long sleeve t-shirt for Eva
- memory card for Miguel camera's
- USB pen drive for backup of pictures

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